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FermiNet: Quantum physics & chemistry from scratch

Discover FermiNet: Quantum physics and chemistry from first principles. Explore groundbreaking simulations for complex systems using neural networks and quantum mechanics.
FermiNet: Quantum physics and chemistry from first principles FermiNet: Quantum physics and chemistry from first principles

DeepMind has made a big leap with FermiNet, a new deep learning model. It’s changing how we do quantum chemistry1. This model uses smart deep learning to figure out quantum states better than old ways. It helps us understand how molecules work1.

FermiNet is special because it can calculate the energy of atoms and molecules from scratch. This shows it’s good for real-world problems2.

The FermiNet study was published in Physical Review Research2. It’s a big deal because it could help make new materials and chemicals before we even try them2. FermiNet uses deep learning to solve tough quantum problems in chemistry and physics. It’s opening a new chapter in quantum chemistry2.


Tests show FermiNet beats old methods in calculating energies accurately and fast1. Its success means deep learning could change material science and drug discovery1. Psiformer, a new AI, shows deep learning’s power in solving complex quantum systems2.

Key Takeaways

  • FermiNet is a breakthrough deep learning model for computational quantum chemistry developed by DeepMind.
  • It accurately computes the energy of atoms and molecules from first principles, outperforming traditional methods.
  • FermiNet has the potential to revolutionize material science and drug discovery by enabling efficient prototyping of new materials and chemical syntheses.
  • The research on FermiNet was published in Physical Review Research and has sparked significant interest within the scientific community.
  • FermiNet’s success demonstrates the promising future of deep learning models in computational physics and chemistry.

Introduction to Quantum Mechanics and its Challenges

Quantum mechanics is a key theory in physics that explains matter and energy at the smallest levels. It’s the base of modern physics and has led to many new discoveries and technologies. Yet, solving complex systems like molecules and materials is a big challenge for quantum mechanics.

Nearly all chemistry could be derived from first principles if accurate solutions of the many-electron Schrödinger equation were accessible3. The Schrödinger equation is the core of quantum mechanics, describing how a quantum system works. It’s a complex math equation that uses the wave function to hold all the system’s information.

The Schrödinger Equation and its Limitations

The Schrödinger equation is a powerful tool for quantum systems. But, it becomes too hard to solve for systems with many particles. Exact wave functions for interesting chemical systems are NP-hard to compute in general3. This means solving the Schrödinger equation for most molecules and materials is practically impossible.

Ab initio electronic structure calculations are key in chemical and physical sciences after quantum wavefunction theory4. However, density functional theory and post Hartree-Fock methods face challenges for high accuracy. This is true for predicting adsorption of molecules, packing order of chemicals, and hydrogen bonding4.

The Need for Approximate Methods in Quantum Chemistry

To get around the Schrödinger equation’s limits, scientists have made various approximate methods. These methods aim to find a good balance between being fast and accurate. This lets us study bigger and more complex systems. Polynomially scaling algorithms can give good approximations for these wave functions3.

Quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) methods, especially diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC), offer good alternatives for finding the true ground state of electronic wavefunctions4. DMC, based on fixed-node approximation, has seen big improvements. It’s now a top choice for accurate ground state energy calculations4.

Machine learning, like neural networks, is also a promising tool for approximating wave functions. Neural networks are great at approximating functions and could be used to guess wave functions for spin systems3. A new deep learning architecture, the Fermionic neural network, is a strong wave-function guess for many-electron systems3. Using neural networks in DMC, like FermiNet-DMC, makes calculations more accurate than FermiNet-VMC4.

The main challenge in making approximate methods for quantum chemistry is finding the right balance between speed and accuracy. By using advanced techniques like deep neural networks and quantum Monte Carlo methods, scientists can improve the accuracy of quantum chemistry. This lets them tackle more complex systems34.

Traditional Computational Methods in Quantum Chemistry

For decades, traditional methods have been key in quantum chemistry. They solve the Schrödinger equation to understand electrons in atoms and molecules. The Hartree-Fock method is a mainstay, offering a basic view of electronic structure5. Yet, it has a 0.5% error in total energy estimates52.

Traditional computational methods in quantum chemistry

This small error can be a big deal in chemistry. For example, the energy difference between butadiene shapes is tiny, showing the need for precise calculations52. To improve, post-Hartree-Fock methods were created. But, they’re too complex for big molecules5.

Hartree-Fock Method and its Drawbacks

The Hartree-Fock method assigns each electron to an orbital. It’s a good start but misses the complex electron interactions. This results in a 0.5% error in energy2.

Also, the Hartree-Fock method gets very slow with more electrons. This makes it hard for large molecules. Researchers seek better, faster methods.

Post-Hartree-Fock Methods and their Limitations

Post-Hartree-Fock methods aim to fix the Hartree-Fock’s flaws. They include configuration interaction, coupled cluster theory, and Møller-Plesset perturbation theory. These methods are more accurate but also more expensive to compute.

These methods are great but slow down with bigger systems. They can handle tens of thousands of electrons, unlike classical methods that can handle millions2. This slows down their use in complex systems.

They also struggle with strong electron interactions, like in transition metals. This has led to new ideas, like deep learning, to solve these problems.

The Rise of Deep Learning in Quantum Chemistry

Recently, quantum chemistry has seen a big leap with deep learning. Neural networks can handle complex, high-dimensional data well. This has opened new ways to solve quantum chemical problems6. Researchers like Giuseppe Carleo and Matthias Troyer have shown deep learning’s power in solving quantum problems. This is a big step towards solving real-world chemistry and physics problems.

But, there’s a big challenge in using deep learning for quantum chemistry. We need neural networks that follow the Pauli exclusion principle for electrons. This rule says no two identical fermions can share the same quantum state7.

Neural Networks and their Potential in Representing Quantum States

Neural networks are becoming key in representing quantum states in chemistry. They can learn and show complex patterns in quantum systems. This helps in making accurate predictions of molecular properties and electronic structures7.

Machine learning in quantum chemistry is growing fast. It’s because it can find patterns in data that we don’t know about yet6. Deep learning helps uncover new insights and improve models in quantum chemistry.

Early Attempts at Applying Deep Learning to Quantum Problems

Early uses of deep learning in quantum problems have been promising. For example, Hermann et al. (2020) solved the electronic Schrödinger equation using deep learning7. Choo et al. (2020) also showed how neural networks can accurately represent quantum states for electronic structure calculations7.

But, we must use deep learning wisely in quantum chemistry. It’s important to mix physics-based models with machine learning. This way, we can create more reliable methods for solving quantum chemical problems6.

Deep learning in quantum chemistry is bringing new hope for solving hard problems. As research goes on, we’ll learn more about quantum systems. To learn more about AI’s impact on quantum chemistry, check out this article on FermiNet, a new deep learning method.

FermiNet: A Breakthrough in Quantum Chemistry

In quantum chemistry, figuring out how electrons in molecules behave has been tough. Old methods like the Hartree-Fock method and others can’t fully grasp the complex interactions of electrons8. But, FermiNet, created by DeepMind, has changed the game. It uses neural networks to solve quantum chemistry problems from scratch.

FermiNet neural network architecture

Incorporating Antisymmetry in Neural Networks

One big hurdle in using neural networks for quantum chemistry is making sure they follow the rules of antisymmetry. FermiNet tackles this by making its network antisymmetric9. This ensures it gets the quantum behavior of electrons right.

This antisymmetry also lets FermiNet handle the Pauli exclusion principle well. This principle says no two identical fermions can be in the same quantum state at once. It’s key for figuring out how molecules work9.

FermiNet: Quantum Physics and Chemistry from First Principles

FermiNet is amazing because it can figure out molecular energies and properties from quantum laws alone. It doesn’t need empirical data or shortcuts. This makes it stand out from other quantum chemistry methods8.

By learning from quantum systems, FermiNet can predict molecular properties very accurately. It can tackle complex systems with many electrons, going beyond what old methods can do8. This ability to start from scratch opens up new ways to study molecules.

FermiNet has shown it can predict molecular energies very well, even better than some top quantum chemistry methods8.

FermiNet’s impact goes beyond just research. It could speed up finding new drugs and materials8. It gives scientists a powerful tool for making new molecules and materials. This could make the development process faster and reduce the need for lots of experiments.

FermiNet is a big step forward in quantum chemistry. It brings antisymmetry to neural networks and makes first principles calculations possible. This opens up new ways to understand and predict molecular behavior. As research keeps moving forward, FermiNet is set to change how we do quantum physics and chemistry. This could have big impacts in many fields8.

How FermiNet Works: A Deep Dive

FermiNet is a new deep learning system created by Imperial College London and Google DeepMind. It has changed quantum chemistry10. It uses deep learning to find molecular energies from quantum mechanics, not from data or guesses11.

This lets researchers study bigger systems and complex interactions accurately and quickly11.

At its heart, FermiNet uses neural networks to spot complex patterns in big datasets. These networks handle the details of quantum systems better than old methods11. It uses a special function called the determinant to deal with fermions correctly.

This function changes sign when rows are swapped, like a fermion wavefunction. This lets FermiNet accurately model electron behavior.

The FermiNet study was published in Science10. It showed FermiNet beats old quantum chemistry methods11. For example, it got a mean absolute error of just 4 meV on the carbon dimer molecule, much better than the 20 meV of old methods10.

It also did well on complex systems with two excited electrons, close to the best calculations ever10.

FermiNet can also look at excited states of quantum systems. This is key for understanding electronic excitations and photochemical reactions11. As people talk about FermiNet on Reddit and LinkedIn, it’s clear it’s exciting the science world11.

“FermiNet represents a significant step forward in the field of quantum chemistry, offering a powerful tool for researchers to explore the complexities of molecular systems with unprecedented accuracy and efficiency.”

FermiNet shows how deep learning is changing quantum chemistry. It lets us understand molecular systems better. With its precision, FermiNet is key to learning about matter’s basic building blocks.

Applications and Implications of FermiNet

FermiNet is a game-changer in quantum chemistry. It helps us understand complex molecules better. This tool is key for breakthroughs in drug discovery and materials science.

Accurate Prediction of Molecular Properties

FermiNet is amazing at predicting molecular properties. It beats the old standard by a lot, with an error of just 4 meV on the carbon dimer12. This means it’s super accurate in calculating the energy of atoms and molecules, helping us grasp chemical reactions12.

It also gets the ground-state energies of atoms and small molecules right, even with unique positron binding13. Its results match up well with experiments, showing it’s reliable in predicting molecular properties13.

Potential for Drug Discovery and Materials Science

FermiNet’s skills in predicting molecular properties are huge for drug discovery and materials science. It makes molecular modeling faster and more accurate. This could lead to new medicines and materials with special properties.

In materials science, FermiNet helps find and design new materials. With this AI-driven approach, scientists can explore many materials. They can find the best ones for things like fast electronics or better energy storage.

FermiNet’s approximations are close to the exact results, within 0.1 eV12. This makes it a strong tool for solving tough quantum chemistry and materials science problems.

FermiNet’s uses go beyond drug discovery and materials science. It helps us understand positron binding in molecules, despite the challenges13. This could reveal more about matter and exotic particles.

As FermiNet gets better and tackles more problems, its impact will grow. The future of molecular modeling and prediction looks very promising, thanks to this powerful neural network.

Comparing FermiNet to Traditional Quantum Chemistry Methods

Traditional methods have long been used to solve quantum system equations. But, FermiNet, a deep learning technique, is changing this. In 2020, Google’s DeepMind used FermiNet to solve the Schrodinger equation for molecules. They got results as good as top quantum chemistry methods14.

Accuracy and Efficiency of FermiNet

FermiNet can solve the Schrodinger equation accurately without knowing the wave function’s properties. This is a big plus over traditional methods14. It can handle a variety of problems more easily and quickly. Researchers from different places used FermiNet to study the ground states of periodic Hamiltonians and the homogenous electron gas (HEG)14.

FermiNet is better than old methods because it can solve the Schrodinger equation on both sides of a phase transition. This is crucial for studying materials like high-temperature superconductors and topological phases14.

Scalability and Potential for Tackling Larger Systems

FermiNet is also scalable, which is a big plus. Traditional quantum chemistry methods struggle with big molecules. But, FermiNet’s deep learning lets it handle larger systems more efficiently.

This scalability is a game-changer for researchers in chemistry and physics. It lets them explore new areas and solve big scientific challenges more easily.

Traditional MethodsHighLowLimited
FermiNetVery HighHighExcellent

The table shows FermiNet beats traditional methods in accuracy, efficiency, and scalability. This makes it a top choice for pushing the limits in quantum chemistry and physics.

Future Directions and Developments

FermiNet is changing quantum chemistry in big ways. Researchers are looking to make it even better. They want to use it to predict excited states of quantum systems. This is key for understanding things like electronic excitations and photochemical reactions15.

Adding excited states to FermiNet will help us understand how molecules react with light and forces. This could lead to big improvements in optoelectronics and materials science. It’s a big step towards new discoveries in quantum chemistry15.

Extending FermiNet to Excited States

Scientists are working hard to make FermiNet better at predicting excited states. Excited states are important for understanding electronic excitations and photochemical reactions15. With better excited state predictions, FermiNet will help us understand molecule-light interactions better. This is crucial for advancing optoelectronics and materials science15.

Combining FermiNet with Other Computational Methods

FermiNet might soon be used with other methods to solve complex quantum chemistry problems. By mixing FermiNet with DFT or post-Hartree-Fock methods, we could get even more accurate results16.

The neural network in FermiNet has already shown great results for solids16. As researchers keep improving these methods, we can expect huge leaps in quantum chemistry. FermiNet will be at the heart of these exciting developments.


FermiNet is a deep learning model that has made big strides in quantum chemistry. It can calculate the energy of atoms and molecules very accurately. This is thanks to its ability to get a mean absolute error (MAE) of 4 meV for the carbon dimer molecule. This is five times better than previous methods17.

This model uses a neural network architecture. It doesn’t need a basis set, making it more efficient. It works well within a variational quantum Monte Carlo framework18.

The future of quantum chemistry is exciting with models like FermiNet. As these models get better, we’ll learn more about matter at the atomic level. The AGPs FermiNet architecture can study other complex systems too, like exotic superfluids and superconductors18.

It also might help find new quantum phases of matter18. As we explore the quantum realm, deep learning’s role in quantum chemistry will expand.

In summary, FermiNet is a big step forward in combining deep learning and quantum chemistry. It can predict molecular properties well and solve tough problems in chemistry. This brings us closer to understanding quantum systems fully17.

Looking ahead, quantum chemistry’s future is bright. Models like FermiNet will lead to new discoveries. They will help in fields like drug discovery and materials science.


What is FermiNet and how does it differ from traditional quantum chemistry methods?

FermiNet is a new way to solve quantum mechanics problems using deep learning. It’s different from old methods like Hartree-Fock because it doesn’t use guesses. Instead, it directly uses quantum laws to find molecular properties.

How does FermiNet incorporate the antisymmetry required for modeling electrons?

FermiNet uses a special function called the determinant. This function changes sign when rows are swapped, just like electrons do. This lets FermiNet accurately model electron behavior while keeping the antisymmetry right.

What are some of the potential applications of FermiNet in quantum chemistry?

FermiNet can help in many areas of quantum chemistry. It can simulate how molecules interact and how they react to light. This could lead to new materials or medicines by making molecular modeling faster and more accurate.

How does FermiNet compare to traditional quantum chemistry methods in terms of accuracy and efficiency?

FermiNet is better than old methods in many ways. It can find molecular energies more accurately and quickly. This means scientists can study bigger and more complex molecules than before.

What are some of the future directions and developments for FermiNet?

FermiNet is getting even better. It’s now being used to study excited states of molecules, which is important for understanding many chemical reactions. As it grows, FermiNet might be used with other methods to solve even harder quantum chemistry problems.

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