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Ascend 910B: Powerful AI Chip for Deep Learning

Explore the Ascend 910B, Huawei’s latest AI chip designed to elevate deep learning and AI capabilities to new heights.
Ascend 910B Ascend 910B

The Huawei Ascend 910B is breaking new ground in high-performance computing. It’s designed specially for deep learning needs. This AI chip is a step ahead with a massive 400 FP16 TFLOPS capacity1. That’s 60 TFLOPS more than before1. Each AI core now has an extra vector unit. This upgrade sets a new benchmark in AI deep learning fields.

In the world of AI chips, the Ascend 910B leads with remarkable efficiency. It achieves up to 80% efficiency in language model training, outperforming NVIDIA’s A10012. This efficiency showcases Huawei’s dedication to innovation. It positions them as a strong competitor in the AI processor race.

Key Takeaways

  • The Ascend 910B AI chip signifies a generational leap in Huawei’s deep learning innovation.
  • With an 80 TFLOPS increase1 in maximum theoretical performance, the 910B sets a new standard in AI computing.
  • This chip’s competitive advantage is subtly woven through its role in scenarios spanning both inference and training in AI.
  • Huawei’s strategic advancements echo in the 910B’s large-scale application impact, particularly within leading Chinese enterprises.
  • Remarking on sustainable progression, the Ascend 910B solidifies its foothold amidst dynamic market conditions and evolving export control challenges.

Introducing the Ascend 910B Neural Processor

Technology keeps moving fast, making the need for strong AI solutions more important. Huawei has created the Ascend 910B AI chip, using the innovative Da Vinci Architecture. It’s not just a part; it’s a big step for artificial intelligence.


The Ascend 910B AI chip stands out for its amazing efficiency and performance. It’s known as the world’s fastest AI processor. It can do up to 256 teraFLOPS in FP16 and 512 teraOPS in IN8, all while using at most 310W3. It goes beyond what others like Nvidia’s Tesla V100 and Google’s TPU 2.03 have done.

Overview of the Ascend 910B AI Chip

This Huawei AI Processor isn’t just strong in power. It shows Huawei’s dedication to new ideas and being self-reliant, something crucial today. The Ascend 910B AI chip, with Huawei’s AI framework MindSpore, works really well. It can process images twice as fast as the usual GPU and TensorFlow mix during ImageNet ResNet50 training3.

The Role of Huawei’s Da Vinci Architecture

The Da Vinci Architecture is key to the Ascend 910B Neural Processor. This design makes sure AI computing tasks are handled well and efficiently. It supports the Ascend 910B AI chip in doing complex neural network tasks easily. Huawei’s push in AI chip development will continue, with plans for the Ascend 610 for cars3.

Launching the Ascend 910B and its tech shows Huawei’s skill in innovation, even when times are tough. These steps help Huawei lead in the global market for neural processors and AI chips. With such work, Huawei is not just in the race; it’s ahead in AI development.

The Performance Benchmark: Ascend 910B Versus NVIDIA’s A100

Today, knowing the power of top AI chips like Huawei’s Ascend 910B and NVIDIA’s A100 is key. AI developers and businesses need this knowledge to use deep learning accelerators in their projects.

Efficiency and Power Consumption Advantages

The Ascend 910B uses power very efficiently, especially compared to NVIDIA’s A100. This chip performs up to 20% better in some AI training tasks. It’s great for businesses that care about saving energy4.

Large-Scale Language Model Training Capabilities

The Ascend 910B’s AI computing shines when training big language models. It’s impressive, showing 80% efficiency versus the A1004. It serves as a strong deep learning accelerator. It delivers massive computing power without the usual high power consumption4.

Market Adoption by Leading Chinese Enterprises

Top Chinese companies, including Tencent Holdings and Baidu, have embraced the Ascend 910B. They use it for AI tasks like conferencing. This move is part of China’s push to prefer local AI tech over foreign ones, boosting Huawei’s market presence56.

FeatureAscend 910BNVIDIA A100
Training Performance20% better in specific tests4Base performance
Efficiency in Language Model Training80% of A100’s efficiency4100% Benchmark
Market AdoptionPreferred by Tencent & Baidu for specific tasks5Reduced consumer interest in China5

Ascend 910B and NVIDIA A100 comparison

The Ascend 910B stands out not just as another option, but as a strong competitor in AI computing. It’s especially valuable today when efficiency and unique capabilities are crucial for tech uptake.

Ascend 910B’s Role in AI Deep Learning Expansion

AI and deep learning technologies are growing fast, making strong hardware like the Ascend 910B crucial. Developed by Huawei, this technology leads the charge in the AI field. It plays a big role in machine learning, especially with complex tasks.

The Ascend 910B helps create a solid AI infrastructure. It’s not just improving one part of AI; it’s building a system for everything from simple algorithms to advanced computing. This support is vital for complex AI tasks.

All-Scenario AI Infrastructure with Huawei’s AI Solution

The Ascend 910B is key in Huawei’s AI plan, aiming for a strong ecosystem for various AI applications. It helps organizations set up an AI system that handles different computing needs. This processor is essential for AI operations, both in the cloud and on the edge.

Covering Full-Pipeline Inference and Training

The Ascend 910B stands out because it can do both inference and training in AI. This flexibility is important for those who need a processor that meets the detailed demands of AI projects. It goes from processing data to improving machine learning models.

Major Chinese companies are choosing the Ascend AI processor for their AI work, showing a lot of trust in its power. For example, Baidu bought 1,600 chips for its AI projects7. This move shows a shift towards local chip suppliers, for better reliability and cost7.

Huawei’s Ascend 910B is more than just a product; it’s crucial in machine learning. It supports everything in AI, from analyzing data to training in deep learning. This makes it a key piece of any AI system.

Challenges in Maintaining Performance Leadership

In the competitive world of AI chip production, the Huawei Ascend 910B is up against tough challenges. This is mainly due to strict export controls. These controls have disrupted crucial supply chains and affected the efficiency and production of AI chips. This situation makes it hard to keep a leadership position in this competitive market.

The Impact of Export Controls on AI Chip Production

Export controls have hit hard, breaking the flow of key equipment parts. This problem has caused the production of the Ascend 910b to fall below expected levels8. The hesitation of global suppliers to provide maintenance services in China has also put pressure on SMIC. SMIC is Huawei’s main manufacturer, struggling to maintain its 7nm production line8. This shows the tough balance between following international rules and aiming to advance in AI chip production.

Export Controls Impact on Huawei Ascend 910B

Ascend 910B’s Strides in Domestic Manufacturing Capabilities

Despite these global challenges, Huawei has made significant progress in domestic manufacturing. With help from the Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC), Huawei is focusing on making the Ascend 910b locally. They are working hard to improve the success rate of making flawless AI chips, which is currently around 20%8. This effort to grow domestic production shows Huawei’s strong will to overcome export controls and strengthen its position in the AI processor market9.

The U.S. sanctions have made Huawei find new ways to think about production. They are now focusing more on making things within China. This move not just shows strength but also marks a major shift in strategy because of global economic pressures.

The push for better domestic manufacturing meets Huawei’s needs right now. But it also leads the way for technological self-reliance. This might change how the world competes in the AI sector.

Specs and Features: Unveiling the Power of Ascend 910B

In the world of AI technology, the Huawei Ascend 910B shines bright. It’s not just a sign of Huawei’s creativity but also a key player in eco-friendly deep learning. Let’s look into what makes the Ascend 910B stand out in the tech scene.

Computational Capabilities and Precision Levels

The Huawei Ascend 910B breaks new ground with its awesome computational power. It has 320 TFLOPS in FP16 and 640 TOPS in INT8, showing top-notch precision and speed10. This powerful performance means it handles deep learning and data tasks super fast. It’s a strong rival against other big names in the tech world10.

With such abilities, the Ascend 910B is perfect for businesses wanting strong AI power for complex tasks.

Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Performance

The Huawei ascend 910b stands out for its energy-saving features. Even with its strong performance, it uses just 310W of power10. This drop from 350W shows Huawei’s push towards green technology, making Ascend 910B a smart choice for eco-friendly companies11. Huawei focuses on less power use, helping the Ascend 910B cut down on carbon emissions.

Using the advanced specs of Ascend 910B, companies can dive into AI and machine learning, making their work more effective and green. With its mix of power and eco-consciousness, the Huawei Ascend 910B is changing the tech world for the better.

Ascend 910B Features that Enhance AI Capabilities

The Ascend 910B AI processor is a game-changer in today’s AI field. It’s not merely about its power. It’s about making that power work smarter for diverse AI computing tasks and fitting perfectly into technological ecosystems. Huawei has focused on creating an AI processor that advances AI technology with careful planning.

Accommodating Diverse AI Computing Tasks

This processor shines in many high-demand scenarios. For example, Baidu got over a thousand chips for its AI servers. This shows the Ascend 910B’s strength in handling big AI tasks well12. It’s also in iFlytek’s “Gemini Star Program,” boosting large language models (LLMs). This highlights its key role in AI for businesses12.

Integration into Varied Technological Ecosystems

The Ascend AI processor fits into many areas by easily blending into different tech setups. According to TrendForce, its advanced making process—likely SMIC’s N+2 method—shows a big step in using advanced chip making in China’s AI scene12. This move places the Ascend AI processor at the heart of tech progress. It also underlines the importance of such tech in wider tech ecosystems.

Knowing the Ascend 910B’s key role in improving tech uses shows its importance as an AI innovation leader. Huawei’s vision in packing such top AI features into this processor sets a standard. It also lights the way for future AI growth in many fields.

Breaking Down the Ascend 910B’s AI Acceleration Potentials

The Ascend 910B has made a big mark in the AI processor world. It’s known for its AI acceleration potential and excellence as a neural network accelerator. This deep learning chip boosts machine learning speeds and shows strong performance that’s changing the industry.

In-depth Look at Ascend 910B’s Neural Network Acceleration

The Ascend 910B leads in neural network acceleration. It achieves up to 1.1 times more training efficiency than rivals like Nvidia’s A100 in some scenarios13. It quickens training times and uses resources more efficiently. This makes it a top pick for businesses eager to grow their AI capabilities.

Comparative Analysis with Other AI Processors in the Market

The Ascend 910B stands out among AI processors. Top tech firms have chosen it for training nearly 50% of China’s large language models13. This shows its broad acceptance and key role in complicated AI tasks. Companies like Baidu now use over a thousand Ascend 910B chips for high-powered AI servers14.

ProcessorTraining EfficiencyEnterprise Adoption
Ascend 910B1.1x of Nvidia A100Widely adopted in China
Nvidia A100BaselineAdopted globally
Baidu KunlunxinBelow Ascend 910BLimited to specific partnerships14

In facing competition and industry challenges, the Ascend 910B keeps its lead. It offers top performance and quickly meets market demands. This is key in its comparison with other chips. These chips are central to new AI tools that expand technology’s limits.

Price and Accessibility: The Competitive Edge of Ascend 910B

The Ascend 910B stands out in the global AI processor market with its price and access. Its pricing strategy shows us why it’s an appealing choice and its expected effect on different areas.

Comparative Cost Analysis Between Ascend 910B and Competitors

The Ascend 910B has a price that makes people want to choose it. It’s about 120,000 yuan, just beating Nvidia’s H20 chips priced between 110,000 to 120,000 yuan in China15. This smart pricing is key for Huawei as it tries to win back its spot in a field ruled by Nvidia before, where Nvidia had more than 90% of China’s AI chip business15.

The Strategic Price Positioning in the AI Processor Market

How you price a product can really change how well it does in the market. The choice of when to release the Ascend 910b is a clever plan to get a lot of people interested. By calling the Ascend 910B a top-notch product, Huawei is saying it has the best AI chip. They are focusing on buyers who care more about having the latest tech than how much it costs.

Huawei aims to make this chip easier for more people to get. They guess they will sell 550,000 units by 202416. Huawei’s bold moves in the market show they want to reach lots of customers.

FeatureAscend 910BNvidia H20
Price in China (yuan)120,000110,000 – 120,000
Estimated Sales in 2024550,000 units1,000,000 units
Market StrategyPremium positioningVolume sales

The price of the Ascend 910b, along with its top performance, gives it a special place in the tech world. Its success heavily depends on both price and how easy it is to get. But it’s not all about numbers. It’s about providing the newest technology at a price that makes sense, without losing out on quality.

Product Evolution: From Ascend 910 to Ascend 910B AI Processor

The journey from Ascend 910 to Ascend 910B is a big step in AI processors’ evolution. The Ascend 910B review shows a big improvement, not just a small update. This new AI chip performs much better and can hold more memory.

Performance Enhancements in the Second-Generation Chip

The Ascend 910B shines with its amazing performance boost. It can reach up to 80 TFLOPS in FP16 precision, showing Huawei’s drive to push AI further. This jump is thanks to faster speeds and more power in each AI core17.

Huawei needs to keep up as NVIDIA leads the AI chip market with an 80% share18. Upgrading their chips is key for Huawei to stay in the game.

Memory and Core Architectural Improvements

Huge strides have been made in the Ascend 910B’s memory setup. Using HBM2e memory boosts bandwidth and doubles the chip’s memory. This lets the Ascend 910B tackle bigger AI projects smoothly, putting it ahead in the AI processor race.

Challenges like U.S. sanctions17 and high defect rates17 haven’t stopped Huawei. They’ve improved manufacturing by adopting SMIC’s second-generation 7nm technology17, also found in the Kirin 9000S.

With plans to upgrade to 5nm technology next year17, Huawei aims for even better AI chip performance. They’re set on leading in the AI technology race, facing stiff competition head-on.

The Ascend 910B is key to the future of AI. Its great performance boost and larger memory mean a lot for AI’s progress. It shows Huawei’s strong innovation and vision in developing top-notch AI technology.


In this review, we explored Huawei’s impressive work in AI, spotlighting the ascend 910b’s skills. This device shows Huawei’s tech progress. The ascend 910b is a top-notch AI machine learning booster. It aims to change the game in AI value. Comparing costs, Nvidia’s top GPU prices range from $12,000 to $15,000 each. A server with eight Nvidia cards costs about $195,800. On the other hand, Huawei’s Ascend 910B chips are priced around 1.36 million yuan, showing they offer good value19.

Nvidia leads with record revenue in its data center area, hitting $14.51 billion in Q3. They also saw a 279% jump in year-over-year revenue19. Meanwhile, Huawei shifts its focus to meet the demand for Ascend chips, key for AI training. They’re moving resources from their Mate 60 smartphones, even though sales surpassed Apple’s in China. This change aims to up the production of the Ascend 910B chip. It’s a strategic move to dominate AI, despite trade limits20.

Huawei’s strategic change aims to influence and guide the industry’s future, focusing on AI. This field is crucial for digital growth and solving global issues20. The battle for tech leadership is fierce, and the ascend 910b is at the forefront. It’s not just excellent hardware; it’s Huawei making a bold statement. This chip promises to bring smarter solutions to a world that always seeks better innovation and efficiency.


What is the Ascend 910B AI chip?

The Ascend 910B AI chip is made by Huawei. It’s designed for deep learning and complex computing. It’s built on Huawei’s advanced Da Vinci architecture. This makes it a key part of Huawei’s Ascend series of AI processors.

How does the Ascend 910B Neural Processor perform compared to NVIDIA’s A100?

Compared to NVIDIA’s A100, the Ascend 910B is more efficient. It uses less power when training language models. It can even outperform the A100 by 20% in some tests.

What are the key features of Huawei’s Da Vinci Architecture in the Ascend 910B?

Huawei’s Da Vinci Architecture focuses on efficiency in AI computing. This allows the Ascend 910B to perform a wide range of tasks. It’s great at speeding up neural networks.

Which major Chinese enterprises have adopted the Ascend 910B?

Big companies in China like Tencent and Baidu use the Ascend 910B. They value its powerful AI computing abilities.

How does the Ascend 910B contribute to AI deep learning expansion?

The Ascend 910B is at the heart of Huawei’s AI solutions. It supports both training and inference, making it a vital tool for machine learning in many applications.

What were the challenges Huawei faced with the Ascend 910B AI chip production?

Huawei had trouble due to export controls limiting their access to overseas production. Yet, they’ve improved their manufacturing in China. They’ve teamed up with companies like SMIC to keep leading in AI chip production.

Can you detail the computational capabilities and specs of the Ascend 910B?

The Ascend 910B has powerful computational abilities. It can do up to 320 TFLOPS in FP16 and 640 TOPS in INT8. Plus, it only needs 310W of power.

What makes the Ascend 910B versatile for different AI computing tasks?

The Ascend 910B can handle many AI tasks. It fits into various tech environments, boosting AI in many fields.

How does the Ascend 910B stand out in terms of AI acceleration?

The Ascend 910B excels at speeding up neural networks. Its efficiency and performance make it stand out against other AI processors.

How is the Ascend 910B priced compared to its competitors?

The Ascend 910B’s price reflects its high performance and efficiency. It is a strong choice for those needing top AI capabilities, even if some rivals like NVIDIA might be cheaper.

What are the improvements in the second-generation Ascend 910B compared to the first generation?

The new Ascend 910B is better in many ways. It has faster speeds, an extra vector unit per AI core, and more memory. These and other updates make it much improved.

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